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Picking up where we left off in pie vs. pie part I, we still have some of that fantastic pizza dough left and a very hot oven. The ingredients for the spicy supreme pizza:
- dough for a 10-12 inch pizza
- 1/2 cup tomato sauce
- 1 1/2 tablespoons crushed red pepper
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 tablespoon dried oregano
- 1 teaspoon dried basil
- 6-8 ounces shredded mozzarella (or italian cheese blend)
- 2 oz pepperoni, thinly sliced
- 2 hot Italian sausages, sliced
- 4-oz can jalapeño infused black olives
- half a green bell pepper, thinly sliced
- half a red bell pepper, thinly sliced
- 1/4 red onion thinly sliced
- 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
Preheat your oven to as hot as it goes (525 for me). If you are continuing from Pie vs, Pie Part I, it’s already hot enough! Stretch the dough to fit the pizza pan or form a nice pizza shape if you are not working with a pan. Spread the olive oil over the surface to keep it from getting soggy.
While the oven is preheating, brown the sausage in a small saute pan (hooray for food safety!) If you are using a lean sausage such as chicken or turkey you may want to add a little olive oil.
Put the tomato sauce and minced garlic on the crust, then spread it thinly and evenly around the pizza. Sprinkle on the oregano, crushed red pepper and basil. Top with about 2/3 of the cheese then place the peppers, olives, pepperoni, sausage and onion evenly around the pizza. Top with the rest of the shredded cheese and send it into the oven for about 11 minutes. Check for doneness periodically depending on the heat of your oven and the tools you are using.
Sprinkle some parmiggiano on top and let it rest for at least 3 minutes before slicing to allow the whole thing to set. Then we eat!
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I dove into the world of homemade pizza dough with a great recipe I found and I must say, when you have the time, the results are definitely worth it. Once the dough was made I went for a classic—the margherita—with a twist. You caught me. I got into the kalamata olives again.
Things you need, but shouldn’t eat:
- knife, cutting board
- pizza cutting tool
- pizza pan or pizza stone
The other stuff:
- pizza dough for a 10-12″ pizza
- one medium heirloom tomato
- 12 (give or take) leaves of fresh basil, shredded
- one ball fresh mozzarella
- 2-3 medium cloves garlic
- extra-virgin olive oil
- cracked black pepper
- parmiggiano reggiano (if desired)
Preheat your oven to something hot. My oven is a little on the old and unreliable side so I don’t push it past 525 (it allegedly maxes out at 550) but I’ve heard hotter is better, especially if you are using a pan rather than a stone. I don’t know what kind of heat these pizza stones are designed for, but if you’re buying I’ll take one and find out. For now, we stick with the $8 pizza pan.
While the oven is preheating, toss the garlic in there whole, skins and all with a little oil. Speaking of oil, let’s stretch the dough out to pizza shape and rub some of that olive oil on it too. This will keep the juicier ingredients from getting the dough all soggy. Thinly slice the mozzarella and heirloom tomato* and place them evenly around the pizza in that order. Pit (if necessary) and finely chop the kalamata olives. It’s been a few minutes now so pull the garlic out. A little pressure with the flat of a knife should pop the cloves out of their skins. Mince them up finely and mix with the chopped olives. This makes it easier to evenly distribute the garlic since you have it mixed in with a more abundant ingredient that is easy to spread around the surface of the pizza. That means you should put the olive-garlic mix onto the pizza now.
Next, send it into the oven. Give it about 11 minutes at 525 in pan, less if you are using a stone and/or a hotter oven. As soon as you (carefully) pull it out, top it with the shredded basil, grate a little parmiggiano and crack some pepper over it. Let it cool for a couple minutes so the cheese can set and so you don’t burn your mouth, because your mouth is going to want to make this pizza disappear in a hurry! Just make sure to save some room for Part II: The Supreme Pile.
*Heirloom tomatoes are tomatoes that taste like tomatoes
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In Italy and Spain alike, Rosa is pink. While I’m a man’s man, (or at least a bull moose’s bull moose) this pink sauced pasta creation is a guilty vegetarian pleasure. Spiral pasta grab the thick tomato cream sauce and bounce merrily off of bold-flavored vegetable bits, headlined by kalamata olives.
Now that you’re sold on it, let’s talk about making it.
No fancy equipment, just:
- Stirring utensil
- Deep pot for cooking pasta
- colander or other pasta draining apparatus
- Saute pan
- knife
- cutting board
It wouldn’t be food without ingredients like these:
- half a large red onion
- a red bell pepper
- 15 kalamata olives
- 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
- 1 teaspoon dried oregano
- 1 teaspoon dried basil or 12 leaves basil (chopped)
- 3 cloves of garlic
- olive or grapeseed oil
- 12 oz whole grain rotini pasta
- 28-oz can of diced tomatoes
- 1/4 cup white wine such as pinot grigio or graves
- 3 oz spinach (2-3 handfuls)
- salt and pepper to taste
Add a small amount of oil to the pan while chopping the onion and bell pepper. Warm the pan over medium heat and add onions and peppers with a pinch of salt. The salt helps the vegetables release their juices. Add crushed red pepper, minced garlic, and oregano. Chop kalamata olives (removing pits if necessary) and add to the pan. Cook until onions become soft and translucent (about 2-3 minutes) and add wine. While wine is cooking down add tomatoes (juice and all) and lower heat. Add water to pasta pot and set on high heat (to boil it, you know) while the sauce cooks. Stir sauce occasionally, letting it cook for at least 10 minutes (20 may be even better.)
When the pasta water is boiling and the sauce has cooked for at least 10 minutes, add salt to the water if you fancy and add the pasta to the water. Stir the cream into the sauce (THE SAUCE, NOT THE WATER!). Check your pasta for a cook time. Mine said 10 minutes so I cooked it for about 8. When your pasta is about 2 minutes from being done, add the spinach, basil and black pepper to the sauce, stirring in to wilt the spinach. When the pasta is done, drain it and immediately it stir into the sauce. Don’t worry if you don’t get all the water off; a little starchy water will help bind the sauce. Cook for another minute and serve. If desired, top with flat-leaf italian parsley and Parmiggiano Reggiano (Mitica is my favorite.)
As is customary with my recipes, then you eat it. You might need help from at least 3 more people to finish it all.
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Bison are considered an emblematic animal of North America. Big, majestic, historically significant—what’s not to like?
Well, as a moose, I resent them. And so, I take special delight in eating them. Bison are also very lean and high in iron, which will be great when I stop being so Phatty and go lift some weights at the gym. In the meantime, I will turn the bison into a sumptuous meal.
Like most unconventional meats, bison has a reputation for being tough and gamy. However, this is less true for store-bought bison. Nevertheless, the gamy reputation encouraged a potent aromatic spice rub on grilled bison. As an afterthought, creating a sauce for the bison yielded a second treat: braised bison.
a bold spice rub for game
Sorry traditionalists and gin-lovers, I didn’t have any juniper berries when I made this one. Lots of whole spices to preserve their flavor, ground up together with your mortar and pestle or a spice grinder. Aromatic, earthy and spicy.
- 1 1/2 tablespoons of coarse sea salt
- 1/2 tablespoon of rosemary
- 1/2 teaspoon ground annatto seed (achiote)
- 1/2 teaspoon whole mustard seed
- 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon ground pasilla (dark red) chile powder
- 2 teaspoons whole peppercorns
- 1 teaspoon whole coriander seed
Tools for the job:
- grill
- tongs
- saucepan
- knife
- cutting board
- mortar & pestle or spice grinder
- bison tri-tip (about 2 pounds)
- canola or olive oil
- 4 cups bison, beef or vegetable stock
- 1 cup robust red wine (try Tempranillo!)
- freshly cracked pepper
- 1/4 cup of bold spice rub for game
Let’s get down to business. Warm your stock in a small-medium saucepan over low heat. Trim any undesirable pieces of the tri-tip such as the tough, silvery loin membrane and toss those in the stock. It’s OK if there was a little meat on the trimmings, you’ll recover it.
Once it’s trimmed, smother it with the spice rub. Don’t be shy, get your fingers into it. Make it remember why it’s called a rub! The rub listed here isn’t extremely spicy so it’s safe on hands.
Light a fire in your grill and let your meat relax an absorb the rub at room temperature while the coals heat up. This will prevent the sudden heat from shocking the meat which might shrivel it and cause it to cook unevenly. While you are waiting for the grill, add some wine and ground black pepper to the stock.
When the coals are ready, dump them in a heap and wipe the grill grate down carefully with oil, then toss the meat on the grill. Cook uncovered for 6 minutes on the first side, then turn it over, move it away from the center of the coals and cover it. Let it cook for another 10 minutes. Of course these times are approximate and tend to vary based on meat thickness, fire temperature, wizardry, etc. The best way to judge doneness is with a meat thermometer, cooking to between 120 and 180 degrees depending on desired doneness. It should be dark and crusty on the outside when it’s done.
Now you can pull your bison off the grill and let it rest a few minutes. Hopefully it took you a while to do all of this, allowing the stock/wine mix you had cooking to reduce down to less than half the original amount. This will also have braised the trimmings into spectacularly tender bits of deliciousness. Carve thin slices of the grilled bison, serve with the reduced stock and toss some of the braised bison on there while you’re at it. Serve with steamed broccoli and spinach, texas toast and finish off the rest of that tempranillo you poured in the sauce.
Take that, bison!
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If this interests you, what I am about to say is probably old hat.
I think it is important for web sites to be kind, gentle and verbose with their error messages. It’s better to treat exceptions as an acknowledgement that your structure is not comprehensive, rather than telling unfamiliar users that a) they did something wrong or b) your site is broken.
Imagine if you were driving down the highway and suddenly saw a yellow warning sign featuring a drawing of a car with an X through it and a number. You would certainly get the impression that something bad was about to happen or was already happening. If you see the sign, take a picture and share it with Library Donut. If you see an error page on this site that reminds you of this, let us know.
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Tonight, I cooked and ate The Mediterranean Chickenhammer and it was: bold and succulent.
Apologies to the pork fans but it’s not called the chickenhammer because of ham. We are talking about actual hammers here.
You need ingredients for this to become a recipe. I recommend:
- 2 chicken breasts
- one whole entire lemon
- tablespoon of capers
- 3 fluid ounces of dry fortified wine, such as extra-dry/white vermouth (or a blend of non-alcoholic vermouth and grain alcohol)
- 1 teaspoon thyme
- 2-3 cloves of garlic
- a small amount of olive or grapeseed oil
- 2 teaspoons of butter
- salt and pepper
You need tools. Especially tools like these:
- Chickenhammer/meat tenderizer/heavy mallet with a nice flat striking surface
- knife
- tongs
- large stainless steel skillet or sauté pan
- cutting board
- plastic wrap
- grater/zester
- mortar & pestle (optional)
- parachute pants (for style and pop-culture reference)
Let’s get started by taking this chicken out of its refrigerated haven. This will give it a little time to approach room temperature so it will respond better to landing in a hot pan. Next we are going to create a flavorful aromatic seasoning paste. Grate the zest (the yellow top layer of the peel) off of your lemon. Do the whole thing. It will teach that lemon a lesson about growing on trees. Next, chop up your garlic cloves. Pile the chopped bits up with the grated lemon zest. Add the thyme, salt and pepper to the pile. If you were fancy and civilized you would grind this pile into paste with a mortar and pestle, but you are already holding the hammer, aren’t you? Do what comes natural until it becomes a paste where it is difficult to discern the individual garlic bits. Set this aside and cover the chicken in plastic wrap and hammer these, working from the middle outward, trying to get the breasts flattened to an even thickness around 1/2 inch.
Put some medium-high heat under your stainless steel pan and add a little oil and half a teaspoon of butter. While it warms up, smear both sides of each piece of chicken with that garlic-zest-herb paste you made. By this time, the butter should be melted and you will see small flecks of lightly browned butter in the pan. That means it’s time to send in the chicken! It should sound like a sizzle when it lands. Make sure there is enough room for the chicken to lie flat, even if it means cooking one at a time. Cook for about 3 minutes before turning. Leave it alone while it browns or it might get stuck to the pan, might not brown right or you’re an oaf trying to hold the tongs in your hooves and you drop it on the floor. Flip it over, admire the golden brown color and give it the same treatment on the other side.
The chicken is cooked now ( give it a cut down the middle and make sure there is no pink if you don’t trust a moose.) Take it out of the pan. Since you used a stainless steel pan, there may be some bits of goodness left at the bottom. That residue is in for a surprise when you pour in the vermouth and capers. You can stir it up with your tongs to ensure that the residue gets dissolved. Let it cook until there is just a thin layer of golden-brown liquid is left at the bottom of the pan. Cut the heat and finish it off with the rest of the butter and a squeeze of lemon juice, because I told you it was a whole entire lemon.
I like to send the chicken in one last time to let it bathe in the sauce a little.
Then comes the easy part. You eat it. You can eat it with a caprese salad, creamy polenta, or orzo with spinach and crushed red pepper. Serves between 0 and 4, depending on how hungry you are and how much you dropped on the floor.
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You sit down at a restaurant and orders a cup of coffee, a glass of water and a library donut. The waiter smiles and acknowledges, heads back towards the kitchen and suddenly stops. That is the moment when he asks himself: “What is a library donut?”
A Library Donut is an item that lurks in the blind spot between perception and imagination. It is a mental saboteur, slipping in when your guard is down as something familiar and innocuous, but then working its devious magic once it is inside your head.
Undermine conventional thinking. Try a Library Donut.
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